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As we age our primary sex hormones decline. It is unfortunately inevitable as life goes on. This rate of Testosterone decline is approximately 1-3% per year after 25-28 years of age. However, in the modern lifestyle, it is no longer just ageing that causes a decline in Testosterone. It is also the burden of our overly stressed, over worked, chemically abundant environments laden with pollutants, pesticides, Xeno-Estrogens and Cortisol , the master driver of hormonal imbalance.

As a result of this environmental burden, low Testosterone (T) can result in such symptoms as:

Difficulty sleeping

Low Libido

Low mood, anxiety, depression, etc.

Reduced muscle mass

Inability to recover from exercise or general workload

Storing stubborn fat around lower stomach, lower back and chest (i.e. “man boobs”)

Slower metabolism

Thinning of hair

Erectile issues

Enter PRIMAL TEST - Our sex hormones are unfortunately built from the same resources as our stress and Thyroid hormones, thus any tax on this system by a stressed lifestyle, will also negatively impact the hormonal balance of our Testosterone as well as hampering Thyroid function. This is showed by a human trial on Ashwaganda that showed use of the herb lowered Cortisol by 32% which had a corresponding increase in Testosterone by 15%. The clear relationship of decrease Cortisol and raise Testosterone is the basis behind the formulation of PRIMAL TEST’s botanical and nutrient rich formulation. PRIMAL TEST contains adaptogenic herbs such as Ashwaganda and Tongkat Ali. Ashwaganda is a herb famous in Chinese medicine and human clinical trials for assisting in helping our bodies cope with stress. In its most famous clinical trial, Ashwaganda at 300mg lowered Cortisol by 32% and boosted Testosterone by 15%. Tongkat Ali is an amazing herb demonstrated to boost Total Testosterone by 37% in clinical trials using only half the dose used in Primal Test. It is also demonstrated to lower Cortisol by 15-17% in similar studies. The other pathyway PRIMAL TEST works is through the compounds Tongkat Ali (AKA Malaysian Ginseng) and Shilajit. Shilajit is a tar like resin, found primarily in the rocks of the Himalayas. It develops over centuries from the slow decomposition of plants. The other pathyway PRIMAL TEST works is through the compounds Tongkat Ali (AKA Malaysian Ginseng) and Shilajit. Shilajit is a tar like resin, found primarily in the rocks of the Himalayas. It develops over centuries from the slow decomposition of plants. Tongkat Ali is also a powerful potentiator of Testosterone support, with human trials showing increases in Total Test, Free Test and lowering of Cortisol. The inclusion of this herb at 450mg is a huge dosage, resulting in research backed increases in Testosterone in health males. To complete the Testosterone supporting matrix, we have added 600mg of the ingredient Bulbine Natalensis. Bulbine Natalensis is an herb from Southern and South Eastern Africa that has traditionally been used as an aphrodisiac as well as some other beneficial properties. Due to its influences on cognition and sexuality, it has also been investigated for its effects on testosterone. Three separate rat studies looking at serum testosterone levels note significant increases in circulating testosterone, and one study noted a decrease in Estrogen levels as well at the dosages used in PRIMAL TEST. So by combining Adrenal Support from the Ashwaganda with the stimulatory effects on Testosterone and Free Testosterone of Tongkat Ali, Shilajit and Bulbine Natalensis, PRIMAL TEST is truly the gold standard in optimising male vitality.

Primabolics - Primal Test

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